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HomeBusinessSEO Optimierung: Ihr Website auf SEO optimieren | seonative

SEO Optimierung: Ihr Website auf SEO optimieren | seonative

SEO optimierung is an important part of a website. It’s about SEO-optimizing the page so it ranks high for possible queries in search engines. There are many factors that determine whether a page will rank high but in this blog, we’ll tell you what to do and what not to do. You have too many AdWords ads on your website, which makes it seem spammy: Google won’t rank pages that look spammy or are excessive with AdWords ads. Keyword stuffing can also be penalized by Google, especially if you’re not careful with formatting and phrasing your keywords in a way that doesn’t look like shoddy content. But if you’re looking for trustworthy service, Jaynike will help you to grow your musical audience.

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There are still voices out there on the net who claim that SEO is not important. You can also achieve such good rankings and get enough traffic to the website. In a few individual cases this may actually be true – but it usually doesn’t work. There are so many different factors that go into Google’s ranking evaluation that you can never meet them automatically without some manual intervention.

Therefore, you should always stay on the ball and pay attention to the current developments (especially on the part of Google). You can of course do that yourself (if you have the time) or you can get experts on board who will stay on the ball for you and incorporate the developments directly into the optimization of the website.

In the following we want to deal briefly with the question that most webmasters probably ask themselves in this way or similar:

How should my website be optimized now so that it has a chance against the competition and takes Google’s current developments and ranking factors into account?

There are a large number of different factors that are included in the evaluation of the ranking. In addition to the classic factors, these are mainly the following:

Mobile First:THE topic for many months has been the upcoming (probably sometime in 2018) changeover of the Google index from desktop-first to “mobile-first”. This means that in the future, Google will no longer evaluate a website based on the desktop view, but rather on the basis of the display on smartphones (tablet is excluded here, as this is more part of the desktop for Google). The targeted mobile optimization of your own website is no longer just a free choice, but a top priority! Otherwise, you might look stupid when the change comes and your website loses positions in the process. According to Google, the changeover should be as “soft” as possible and without major changes in the search results – that is why the search giant is taking its time and will only carry out the changeover if all tests are successful. So you still have enough time to get your own website ready for smartphones. The method of choice here should be “responsive design”, i.e. a website that automatically adapts to the display size. Another very exciting topic in the mobile area is “AMP” (Accelerated Mobile Page), which is constantly being developed and should even be of interest to shops and other dynamic websites in the future. Here, individual websites are reduced by unnecessary weight and stored in the Google cache. As a result, they can be called up with almost no noticeable loading time. As a webmaster, you should always keep an eye on this topic and, if necessary, even implement it today (particularly advantageous for news or other static pages). The method of choice here should be “responsive design”, i.e. a website that automatically adapts to the display size. Another very exciting topic in the mobile area is “AMP” (Accelerated Mobile Page), which is constantly being developed and is likely to become interesting even for shops and other dynamic websites in the future. Here, individual websites are reduced by unnecessary weight and stored in the Google cache. As a result, they can be called up with almost no noticeable loading time. As a webmaster, you should always keep an eye on this topic and, if necessary, even implement it today (particularly advantageous for news or other static pages). The method of choice here should be “responsive design”, i.e. a website that automatically adapts to the display size. Another very exciting topic in the mobile area is “AMP” (Accelerated Mobile Page), which is constantly being developed and is likely to become interesting even for shops and other dynamic websites in the future. Here, individual websites are reduced by unnecessary weight and stored in the Google cache. As a result, they can be called up with almost no noticeable loading time. As a webmaster, you should always keep an eye on this topic and, if necessary, even implement it today (particularly advantageous for news or other static pages). Another very exciting topic in the mobile area is “AMP” (Accelerated Mobile Page), which is constantly being developed and is likely to become interesting even for shops and other dynamic websites in the future. Here, individual websites are reduced by unnecessary weight and stored in the Google cache. As a result, they can be called up with almost no noticeable loading time. As a webmaster, you should always keep an eye on this topic and, if necessary, even implement it today (particularly advantageous for news or other static pages). Another very exciting topic in the mobile area is “AMP” (Accelerated Mobile Page), which is constantly being developed and is likely to become interesting even for shops and other dynamic websites in the future. Here, individual websites are reduced by unnecessary weight and stored in the Google cache. As a result, they can be called up with almost no noticeable loading time. As a webmaster, you should always keep an eye on this topic and, if necessary, even implement it today (particularly advantageous for news or other static pages).

https / SSL: In the meantime even an official Google ranking factor, should there soon be no website out there that does not have “https” in front of the URL. Since most sites offer some kind of data transfer for their visitors (especially e.g. a contact form), all communication between the server and the client should be encrypted. And in times of increasing hacker attacks and large-scale cyber attacks, it makes all the more sense to rely on the highest possible security. There are plenty of SSL certificate providers, here you can choose which type of certificate you want (paid or even free).

Content optimization for the greatest possible information content: Many users go to Google search with the expectation of an exact answer to their question / search intentionto obtain. Therefore, when designing the content of your own website (regardless of whether it is a shop, info portal or B2B website) you should always try to answer questions. Google always prefers the website within the search results that, in Google’s opinion, provides the best answer. This topic is also of great importance with regard to the constantly evolving “voice search” (Google Home, Amazon Alexa etc.), since the voice assistants have to answer questions here directly. And optimally pre-formulated answers are best suited for this. Special Google functions such as the “featured snippet” also access direct answers. This snippet is displayed at the top in front of all search results, as a separate, highlighted box that contains the answer to the user’s question. You don’t even have to be placed on position 1 in the organic search results, it is sufficient to rank within the top 10. For this it is an advantage to include the answer and, ideally, the question directly on your website. This makes it easier for Google to find the right answer.

PageSpeed: The total loading time of a website is not yet a direct ranking factor, but this can change very quickly with the switch to “Mobile-First” (see above) at the latest. Even today, Google will probably rate very slow sites as subordinate to fast sites, but according to Google’s John Müller a distinction is currently only made between “very slow” and “normal speed”. So there is still no fine gradation. However, this could change when switching to the Mobile-First Index, as fast pages are definitely an advantage for the mobile user experience. But no matter how Google is currently handling it, just for the sake of its users you should make sure that all pages are loaded in the shortest possible time (after 3-5 seconds most users have jumped off).

Structured data: Every page should use structured data whenever possible (see This makes it easier for Google to crawl or assign relevant data and with a little luck even “rich snippets” will be displayed in Google search results. This will improve your own Google search results. In online shops z. B. who have included reviews on their products.

Other OnPageFactors, backlinks & Co .: In addition to the points mentioned, all the “standard” OnPage factors should of course also be taken into account. Titles, headings, images, etc. form the basis for a reasonable evaluation of the websites by Google. In addition, backlinks are still a very important ranking factor – here too, attention should be paid to a good link profile.